Giant Sunflowers

Hi! These are giant sunflowers. We used to grow them. They are huge! Nearly every day early in the morning I would wake up and come and see if they were ready. I mean completely grown!  Nearly every morning I would see that they were not ready! But then one time we all went away for a little while.

 Our friend Aissata watered the teeny tiny trees for us. We only went away for five days. When we came back to our house, the sunflowers were huge because Aissata had watered them! They were the ones in the picture! Then I realized why they were called giant sunflowers.

They had enormous stems! Oh, and that baby playing with them is my baby brother Simeon.


  1. I am so happy for you! I have hardly ever seen a huge sunflower so close that I could touch it like Simeon! I am glad you do!

    1. Guess what Grandma! My lose tooth is SO LOSE! Love you......Hope

  2. Thanks! You having a good day? Bye Grandma.

  3. Do you like eating sunflower seeds? I LOVE them! But I love you even more! -- Grampie

    1. Sunflower seeds! I didn't think that you could eat them. We can eat dried pumcin seeds. But we didn't no that you can eat sunflower seeds! Bye


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