A Picture By Lilias Trotter

Hi! This picture was painted by Lilias Trotter! It's so nice, isn't it? Lilias Trotter was a very famous artist in England in the 1800s. And she was a missionary in Algeria! She drew such nice things! What's your favorite picture? What do you want me to write about tomorrow?


  1. Beautiful, Hope! She has amazing paintings. How was Eid? Maybe you could write about Ramadan ending and what that's been like in your neighborhood? Love you! -Abigail

    1. Yeah, quite nice. She sure does! Ummm..... Abigail, I don't know what Eid means. But I do know what Ramadan means! LOVE YOU TOO! ......Hope

  2. Dear Hope,
    This is a beautiful picture. I have heard of Lilias Trotter. I have read a book about her. She is very inspirational woman.

    I like Abigail's idea to write about Ramadan. You could also write about your new baby cousin, Sidra. Have you seen pictures of her?

    I love you, Grandma

    1. It sure is. I don't even know how we got the picture of Lilias Trotter's painting! Yes... She painted beautiful, beautiful pictures of flowers! I think I've read the book of Lilias Trotter before! She was very inspiriational! Yes, I have seen pictures of Sidra! And this morning my Mom ( your daughter ) showed me and Lil two more pictures of Sidra!!! They were soooooo cute! I LOVE YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH! .....HOPE


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