My Story, ( Of Myself Sick )

                                                                                                                         May 8, 2020
Dear Readers,
           I suppose that my first day of being sick was when I was a little baby...just like you. I can't remember any times I was sick before, but I'm sure I was. But now I have a very bad cough, and a cold. Bye...........Hope ( I feel very bad so I'm going to quickly do the rest of my school, so I can lie down.) Bye, again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Hope,

    I am so sorry you are sick! :( That is no fun. I hope laying down and resting is helping you to heal quickly! Coughs are the worst! -Abigail

  2. Is it easier to breath when you are standing, sitting, or when you are laying down? One time I had a cough that was only bad when I lay down. It was very difficult to sleep. Are you able to sleep?
    - JLB

    1. Um..... I can breath better standing up. Yes I am able to sleep................Hope

  3. May 16, 2020

    I am sorry you were sick. I have heard that you are better now. I love you! Grandma


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