Sleeping And Sick

                                                                                                                           May 7, 2020
This is Lily. She's so cute sleeping ( At least in this picture, not now ). What do you want me to write about tomorrow? bye ( I feel really sick )


  1. Hope, I'm so sorry you feel sick! How about you write about a time you were sick, and what that was like? Being sick isn't very fun. :( -Abigail

    1. Its okay. When I said I felt really sick, I meant with a cold. So I have a cold. Sure I'll rite about a time when I was sick. Do you feel sick? Hey I didn't realize, but Felicity's birthday is in seven days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ( not counting today ) Love you a lot!.....Hope

    2. Abigail, when is Joshua's birthday? ( I've got a cough as well )

    3. Hope, Joshua's birthday is in the springtime... do you remember that you guys called him a couple of months ago to sing on his birthday? <3 -Abigail

  2. I wonder if Lily will ever do her hair like it is in the picture again. It would be pretty shocking but I think I would get used to it. Hope, get well soon!!!!
    P.S. my birthday is every year

    1. Yes, it would be very shocking. Thanks. I meant what time in the year is it! BYE....Hope


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