Forest Adventure Chapter Ten

"I knew that you and you're friends were living in the cabin," "How did you know that?" asked Jonathan. 
"Because I had been spying on you," the stranger replied. "I saw that two girls were going on a walk,"
"You saw Martha and Lucy?" asked Jonathan surprised. "If that's they're names, then yes," "I also saw you and James, Jonathan," "How do you know James and my names?" Jonathan asked astonished. "Because I'm you're cousin,"



  1. Will the cousin tell them their name? I can't wait to hear more Hope!

    1. I'll think of a name soon. Thanks. Guess what Grandma?! I'm going to write the entire Forest Adventure book, but on paper!


    2. Oh, and Grandma, do you know that we had some friends come stay for three days here? If you did, then I'm going to tell you that we hadn't been doing school while they were here. Mom said that we don't have to do school this entire week!, so that's why I haven't been writing any blogs lately.


  2. I am so glad that you had friends over AND that you have had a break from school. Breaks can be refreshing! Now next week, you will be all ready to get back to it again! I love your stories Hope! They have so much detail in them. Don't forget to give the cousin a name. ;) Love, Grandma

    1. Thanks for reminding me to do that. Love you
      Thank you



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