Forest Adventure, Chapter two

After a few days, Lucy said "I think we should go to the river and go in the boat that Jonathan and me made yesterday." "There is a river about half a mile away from us." Then Martha replied. "There is?! Okay, lets go. Who agrees? I do." Then Jonathan exclaimed, "Yes, lets all go. Okay, um, James, can you go get the boat? I'm going to go get my gun in case of bears." "All right, I'll go get the boat." Answered James. * They walked for 25 minutes to the river, then they got into the boat after they put it into the water. After they had been in the river for a few minutes, the boat tipped over!! While it was falling, James shouted "EVERYONE! HOLD ONTO THE BOAT!!!!" But then he went under the water! He quickly swam to the surface, but he didn't see anyone! Just then Jonathan came up. "Jonathan, where are the girls? "I don't know," Answered Jonathan. Then, Martha bobbed up to the surface. "My, my dress," She gasped. "It's to heavy," Then she went under again. "Jonathan, go find Lucy. I'll get Martha." James said. He started swimming downward, but saw nothing. Then he saw her. she was trying to swim up, but she was just going down. James swam toward her, grabbed her and pulled her up. * Jonathan had found Lucy and was bringing her toward the surface. But then, he felt a scaly thing brush past him. What was that he wondered. Then, his head came above the surface. He saw James swimming with Martha to the land.

The story continues in *Forest Adventure Chapter Three
