Forest Adventure, Introduction


       The people are James, Jonathan, Martha and Lucy.. They are going on a trip to the forest.

 About James.

James has a gun and a sword. He is 25. James also has
pet bald eagle named Lightning. 


 About Jonathan. 

Jonathan has a ax and a gun. He is 24. Jonathan has a pet pine marten named Tracker. It's named Tracker because it tracks down animals and and different kinds of fruit that they need for food (Tracker tracks down the food, and he gets it if the creature is on the ground. Then Lightning goes and kills it, but if it is in a tree any of them get it)

About Martha.

Martha has a dagger and flint (she rubs it on her knife blade to make a fire). She is 22. Martha has a pet white tailed deer. The deer is named Bounder because it bounds ( Martha rides Bounder ).

About Lucy.

Lucy has a shovel and a net (she uses it to catch fish and animals). She is 20. Lucy has a pet eastern cottontail rabbit named Cotton because of it's cotton-like tail.

Here are the photos

Eastern Cottontail - North Texas RamblingsNorth Texas RamblingsSpecies Spotlight: Bald eagles | Mass.govWhite-tailed Deer - Odocoileus virginianus - NatureWorksAmerican Marten (Utah Mammals) · iNaturalist


  1. This is such a great story!! I am surprised that Marthat can ride Bounder! Bounder must be a very tall and strong deer! Great introduction Hope! Love, Grandma

    1. Grandma, I think you wrote Marthat instead of Martha.... Yes Bounder is a tall strong deer. Thank you



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