Suddenly it started pouring rain! James charged the direction of the cabin and yelled to Martha and Lucy. "Martha! Lucy! Follow me!" They dashed after him. After running non stop for two miles, they got tired and stopped for a rest. It started raining even harder, and Martha said that they should continue running. They did start running again, and, after another 2 miles, Lucy said that she couldn't run anymore. "I'm to tired to run anymore too, but we just have to somehow get back to the cabin," said James. "Need some help?" a familiar voice asked. They turned around to see Jonathan, riding a bay (brown with black mane and tail) mustang and leading a appaloosa for Lucy(an appaloosa is a kind of horse), an paint horse for James, and another mustang for Martha.
These are the horses he brought.
Lucy's horse
Martha's horse
Jonathan's horse
James's horse
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