Henry had gone to the market to buy a present for Katie. He had gone too get her a present because it was her birthday! When he got back he took the present into his and Mary's cabin. He took into his cabin because if he went into John and Katie's cabin then Katie would just wake up and see everything. Anyway, when he took the present into the cabin, he saw Mary making a cake for Katie. "Wow!" he said, "Mary, you're great at making cakes," "Thank you," replied Mary. When the cake was done, Mary hid it in her and Henry's fridge and then she went down to the market to get a present for Katie. When she got back, she quickly tied a ribbon around her present and the she gently put Henry's present into the basket with hers. It was the basket that Mary had tied the ribbon around (Henry didn't put his present into the basket because John had ordered something and he had left to go and get it, and Henry had gone to see if Katie was awake). When he got back he saw that John was already wrapping his present! Then he said to John and Mary, "Katie's woken up!" "Oh no!" said Mary. "John, can you go and tell her that she's not aloud into this cabin until we let her?" asked Henry. "Okay," said John, "See you soon," "Alright," said Mary. When John, Henry and Mary were ready, Henry went to go and get Katie. Soon John and Mary saw him walking back with Katie. When Henry opened the door, John and Mary said, "Happy birthday Katie!" Katie smiled and answered back, "Thank you so much!" Then Mary went to go and get the basket that she had tied the ribbon on earlier. When she came back, she gave it to Katie. Then Katie said, "Cats!" "Yes," said Mary smiling. Then John gave Katie the present from him. When Katie saw it, strait away she said, "Thank you!" "Your welcome," answered John.
This is a picture of the dress that John bought for Katie
This is a picture of the mother cat
This is a picture of the kitten
This is a picture of the cake that Mary made
I love this cake... Don't you? WOW! I didn't know I wrote such a long blog!