Slaughtering Our Ducks

 Guess what! I just heard Yan say, "Come on Simmy! Dads slaughtering the ducks!" It is such a bad day. Now we have to slaughter our ducks😢😲😭😩😧😢😟 I know we got them so that we could eat them, but I'm sorta angry that we have to kill them. I just can't believe that the others are enjoying slaughtering the animals, when I'm kinda sad that we have to😔. 

Bye till my next blog!


  1. I understand how you feel Hope! I would be sad, as well. I am sure that they taste very good. In America it is VERY expensive to eat duck meat. I have only had it once in my life. (Maybe I have never had it! I am not sure!) I love you!

    1. Thank you. Yes. Oh, it isn't expensive to get duck meat here. You just have to buy a duck, and then fatten it up and then slaughter it. It's really good! Love you!

  2. If you read 'Slaughtering Our Lamb,' then you'll find out that we slaughtered one of our lambs. We slaughtered the one named Oreo.


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