"Well, alright, I guess," said Charlotte, "It is really the only thing we can do other then just wait around for the police to find him," "Well, let's go then!" said Mary, "Come on!" "Wait a second," said John, "What was our last clue?" "Oh, yeah," said William, "We all forgot about the last clue because we were all talking about letting the police deal with it, and then we decided to just continue following Michael, that we were all so forgetful!" "Do we still have the piece of paper?" asked Emma, "Or did we give it to the police?" "No, we don't have the exact same piece of paper," said Katie, "But I did make a copy if that's what you are talking about," "Is it here?" asked James, "Or did you leave it in one of the other tents (I would of said tent/houses, but it takes a while to do that, so I'll just do tent from now on)?" "I have it right here," answered Katie. She pulled a piece of paper out of her pocket, and they all crowded around her."Wait!" said Henry, "I remember!" "What?" asked Charlotte. "We were trying to phone him!" "Oh yeah!" said Katie, "Now I remember!" "But, what should we do?" asked James, "I mean, if we can't phone, then what should we do?" "How about we just try phoning one more time, and see what happens," said Henry, "Cause maybe it'll work this time," "Alright," said Mary, "Let's try one time,"
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