Going to Mongolia Chapter Fourteen

 This time, Mary opened the door, although Henry was not that excited about it.

Anyway, the police came in, and brought the man in. 

"What do you have to say?" asked the police chief fiercely.

"What do you want me to say?" asked the man, surprisingly grinning.

"Why you took the painting." said Katie.

"Oh, that," said the man, "Ok."

Everyone waited. 

"Ok," he repeated, "I didn't." 

"What do you mean, you didn't?" asked Mary.

"I mean, I didn't."

"Then where is it?" asked John.

"It's under your bed."

"What?!" said Henry.

"See?" the man asked, "I didn't."

"But," said Mary, "Then how-"

"Don't any of you know?" laughed the man, "I do this a lot,"

"You do what a lot?"

"I trick people by hiding their things, and when they look one place a bunch of times, I put it there."

"But," said James, "I thought everyone said that there was someone named Michael that-"

"I was kidding," laughed the man, "I told everyone to do as best they could to get you to follow the clues that I made for you,"

"But then," said Charlotte gaping, "What's your real name?"

"Peter," said the man, "Anyway, I have someone else to trick, so goodbye!"

Then he just left leaving the others gaping.


  1. This is the last chapter! I tried to make it so that it would be kind of funny.

  2. I love you so much Grandma! I hope you are having a great day!

  3. Hi Hope! It was a puzzling story, at first! Then, it became kind of funny! Good ending, except I wouldn't want Peter to trick me! :) I love you so much Hope!! Keep writing!

    1. Yeah, I was wondering how to write it, and how to end it, so it went on forever. But I found a funny way to end it. Make it completely useless! Yeah, I hope so too! I love you so much Grandma! You should ask Mom how to start a blog!

      I hope that you learn the piano or another instrument soon!

  4. Thank you Hope for thinking of me! I will think about what instrument I should try. It seems logical to start with the piano since we have one! Grampie has a guitar and he knows how to play that! Did you know that when I was your age, I used to play the ukulele? I must have surprised you with that information! :) Have a great day and keep writing! Love you! Grandma

    1. Nice! I play the guitar a little, ukulele, piano and I'm learning the recorder.
      Yeah, It did. What instruments did you ever know what to play? I bet you will be great at any instrument that you learn.
      Have a perfect day! Love you so much! Hope

      P.S. Oh no! I'm playing the six songs for church! How will I be able too!


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