{pausing india adventure for a while} Foxes

Grandma, there is this website that I read news on, and they have a little of the news that adults get, and they get a lot of news that adults don't get. And then Lily does another website that tells two times as much news, and she reads it so much. Anyway, there is this amazing man at drawing, and look what he did on a frozen lake! ↓

A beautiful white fox sits on a frozen lake. No, it’s not a real fox. It’s a work of art made with a snow shovel!



Do you know much about foxes? Here's some facts about red foxes...

 Red Foxes

The red fox is the most widespread carnivore species in the world ranging across the entire Northern Hemisphere. They measure about 35–40 inches from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail. Adults typically weigh 7–15 pounds, but may appear heavier. They are recognized by their reddish coat and black “leg-stockings.” Red is the most common coat color, but individuals may vary from light yellow to a deep auburn red to a frosted black. The white tip on the tail distinguishes this fox from other species at any age. Similar to cats, red foxes have vertical pupils which help to enhance night vision for hunting. The gray fox is often confused with the red fox because of the rusty-red fur on its ears, ruff, and neck. The overall coloration is gray, with the darkest color extending in a stripe along the top of the back down to the end of the tail. The belly, throat, and chest are whitish. The gray fox appears smaller than the red fox, but the shorter legs and stockier body are deceptive. Compared to the red fox, the gray fox has a shorter muzzle and shorter ears, as well as oval pupils. They measure about 31–44 inches in total length and weigh 7–13 pounds. Gray foxes are one of only two canid species in the world that can climb trees thanks to their hook-shaped claws. They will climb trees to escape predators and to access arboreal food sources. 


Species Profile: Vulpes vulpes – Red Fox » Bella Vista Property Owners  Association


  1. WOW!!!!!!!!! What a great new story! I am so glad that you and Lily have news websites to learn such interesting things. The news about foxes is so interesting! Did you ever see any foxes at the Falkes' house or neighborhood? I did once. I saw a red baby fox just hanging out at their neighbor's yard. It looked lost. The Falkes live on a street named Fox Run because there are a lot of foxes around there. We have seen a fox where we live occasionally in our back yard. I didn't know about their vertical eyes which are like a cat's, That is very interesting! Thanks for the report. The shovel art on the river is amazing!!!! I am glad it was frozen enough that the artist did not fall through! So beautiful!

    1. Thanks! Me too! Yeah! I saw 11 foxes there. I know. You have!?! 'Welcome. Uh hu. That would of been terrible.

      Grandma! Guess what! Mommy told us the story of when she went to Bethany beach with you! The one when you got a hermit crab. And then she also told me the story of when she filled the laundry shoot up with foam or something and told you that the laundry needed to be done. And then she also told us the story of when she turned on the "music" of a waterfall on full blast so that she could frighten Uncle Niel (is that how you spell his name?), but then got caught. Hahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You should of seen Flissy when Mama told that story. Felicity burst into tears (good tears though.... of laughter).

  2. Oh, and Grandma, when we went to the Falkes house we found out that there is a fox pen somewhere around their neighbor's house.

  3. Now, I understand about the Falkes seeing so many foxes because there is a fox pen near their house!
    Those are funny stories that Mama told you. They are all true! She might have forgotten to tell you that when we had the hermit crab, it made so much noise in its cage in the boys' bedroom, that it scared Uncle Jacob when he was a little boy, so Uncle Josiah put the cage in the bathroom so it wouldn't make so much noise.

    By the way... I wasn't mad that they filled up the laundry shute with foam things. It didn't hurt when it all fell down and it looked like big snowflakes or something like that. It was funny and quite a surprise. I am glad that THEY all cleaned it up for me. ;)


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