India Adventure Chapter Six

Sorry I haven't been writing recently.... I forgot. Anyway, here's the chapter!

"Was that the red panda again?" asked James. "Do you think that we'll find a real red panda from the wild today?" asked Olivia. "Maybe," said Mia, "After all we don't know for sure if this is really a red panda." "Wait, what's that hole in the tree?" asked Sophia excitedly, "Is that a burrow?" "I think so!" said Mia as she peered inside. "Yes! It's a red panda!!!!" Soon everyone had had a turn to look. After they all had looked and were satisfied, they went back to the cabin that they were staying at. After that they all had a good sleep dreaming about red pandas. When they all woke up, they started talking about the red panda. Then they decided that they would go look for it again.


  1. WOW! I have never seen a red panda. What made you think of writing about a red panda?

    1. Me neither! Well, I remembered that I wrote that they were going to have a unexpected surprise in one of the chapters, so I looked up rare animals in India, and then I saw that red pandas are very rare there, so I thought that would be an unexpected surprise.

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