The Four Stolen Keys Chapter Three

                                                   CHAPTER THREE 

(Kayla mounted Snowflake's back.) "Let's go get William", she said. After a fifteen minutes, Kayla spotted William. When the horses were next each other, William Said "Come on." "Coming", answered Kayla. The two of them rode out of the prairie to find something other then grass and animals.

They went two miles (the horses were a tiny bit tired, so it took an hour for then to go two miles...back to the story).

"Here's a village." Said Kayla. "Yes," replied William.
"But, look. Where are all the people?" Asked Kayla.
"I don't know" Answered William.

"Look, two people are coming out of that house." Said Kayla.

      (You'll find out who the two people are tomorrow.)



  1. I am very curious to find out who the other two people are! Great story! Love you Hope! Grandma

    1. You'll find out who they are today (On Wednesday)!



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